Bros is an independently produced sitcom that has reached national acclaim since its debut, having been featured on the front pages of The Huffington Post, FunnyOrDie, Buzzfeed, TV Guide, Metro New York, and covered internationally as far as Grazia Paris and Playboy Brasil.
A second season of the series was launched via a successful Kickstarter in 2016, and the production team's effort to push the show into the arena of network television has boldly continued since.
“A pure triumph of will and dreams.”
“#1 Trending Video”
“We think you have a very valuable property.”
“Bros may have just mastered girls better than Girls.”
“Bros gives Lena Dunham a run for her money.”
“Very witty.”
“Looks way party.”
“Bros is what we imagine would happen if Lena Dunham wrote for Jersey Shore”
“Bros is the new Girls.”
“The Series About Your Life”
“Supremely well-done. I laughed out loud many times and you should be super fucking proud of this project.”
“Laughed so hard I thought I’d get an aneurism.”